All Fields



  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: If referencing a process, the arguments of the process that generated the red flag.

  • Field Name: args

Authenticated User Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: If referencing a process, the authenticated user name of the process that generated the red flag.

  • Field Name: auser

Effective User Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: If referencing a process, the effective user name of the process that generated the red flag.

  • Field Name: euser


  • Type: String

  • Description: The reason the red flag was generated.

  • Field Name: description


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the red flag.

  • Field Name: id

Machine ID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique machine ID associated with the red flag. Generally begins with "mach:".

  • Field Name: muid

Reference Object

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the object that the red flag is associated with.

  • Field Name: ref


  • Type: String

  • Description: The full schema string of the red flag.

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The security level of the red flag. One of: info, low, medium, high, critical.

  • Field Name: severity


  • Type: Number

  • Description: The uptime of the object referenced by the redflag.

  • Field Name: uptime


  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The unique IDs of the spydertraces that this red flag is a part of.

  • Field Name: traces

Is Exception

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Is the red flag marked as an exception? If so, the red flag was generated by expected activity.

  • Field Name: false_positive


  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: If the reference object has ancestor processes, this is a list of their names.

  • Field Name: ancestors

Policy UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: If the red flag is associated with a Guardian policy, this is the unique ID of the policy.

  • Field Name: policy_uid

Policy Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: If the red flag is associated with a Guardian policy, this is the name of the policy.

  • Field Name: policy_name

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: If red flag is associated with a cluster, or a node of a cluster, this is the name of the cluster.

  • Field Name: cluster_name



  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: If referencing a process, the arguments of the process that generated the ops flag.

  • Field Name: args

Authenticated User Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: If referencing a process, the authenticated user name of the process that generated the ops flag.

  • Field Name: auser

Effective User Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: If referencing a process, the effective user name of the process that generated the ops flag.

  • Field Name: euser


  • Type: String

  • Description: The reason the ops flag was generated.

  • Field Name: description


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the ops flag.

  • Field Name: id

Machine ID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique machine ID associated with the ops flag. Generally begins with 'mach:'.

  • Field Name: muid

Reference Object

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the object that the ops flag is associated with.

  • Field Name: ref


  • Type: String

  • Description: The full schema string of the ops flag.

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The alert level of the ops flag. One of: info, low, medium, high, critical.

  • Field Name: severity


  • Type: Number

  • Description: The uptime of the object referenced by the ops flag.

  • Field Name: uptime

False positive

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Is the opsflag a false positive?

  • Field Name: false_positive


  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: If the reference object has ancestor processes, this is a list of their names.

  • Field Name: ancestors

Is Ephemeral

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Is the reference object ephemeral? Used with agent-related opsflags.

  • Field Name: ephemeral

Agent Type

  • Type: String

  • Description: The type of agent that generated an opsflag. Used with agent-related opsflags.

  • Field Name: agent_type


  • Type: String

  • Description: The hostname of the machine associated with an opsflag.

  • Field Name: hostname

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the cluster associated with an opsflag.

  • Field Name: cluster_name



  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the spydertrace.

  • Field Name: id

Is Interactive

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Is the spydertrace interactive? Interactive spydertraces are associated with interactive user processes.

  • Field Name: interactive

Machine UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique machine ID associated with the spydertrace. Generally begins with "mach:".

  • Field Name: muid


  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the spydertrace.

  • Field Name: name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID for the object that triggered the spydertrace's creation.

  • Field Name: trigger


  • Type: String

  • Description: Status of the spydertrace: closed or active.

  • Field Name: status

Root Process Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: Name of the root process of the spydertrace.

  • Field Name: root_proc_name

Trigger Short Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: Short name for the object that triggered the spydertrace.

  • Field Name: trigger_short_name


  • Type: Integer

  • Description: A score ranking the severity of the spydertrace.

  • Field Name: score

Interactive Users

  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The list of interactive users associated with the spydertrace.

  • Field Name: interactive_users

Non-Interactive Users

  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The list of non-interactive users associated with the spydertrace.

  • Field Name: non_interactive_users

Is Overtaken

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Has the spydertrace been overtaken by another spydertrace? It is best to set this to false because the overtaking trace contains all of the overtaken trace.

  • Field Name: overtaken

Is Suppressed

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Is the spydertrace suppressed? Suppressed spydertraces are associated with expected activity.

  • Field Name: suppressed


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the container

  • Field Name: id

Container ID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The long identifier of the container as reported by the container runtime

  • Field Name: container_id

Container Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the container as reported by the container runtime

  • Field Name: container_name

Image ID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The identifier of the image used to create the container

  • Field Name: image_id


  • Type: String

  • Description: The fully qualified name of the image used to create the container

  • Field Name: image

Machine UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique spyderbat machine ID the container is running on

  • Field Name: muid

Root process UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The spyderbat ID of the root process running in the container

  • Field Name: root_puid


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the container model

  • Field Name: schema

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the kubernetes cluster the container is a part of

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the container is a part of

  • Field Name: clustername


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: node_uid


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the kubernetes pod the container is a part of

  • Field Name: pod_uid

Pod Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes pod the container is a part of

  • Field Name: pod_name

Pod Namespace

  • Type: String

  • Description: The namespace of the kubernetes pod the container is a part of

  • Field Name: pod_namespace

Pod Labels

  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the pod the container is a part of

  • Field Name: pod_labels


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the cluster

  • Field Name: id


  • Type: String

  • Description: The name assigned to the cluster at spyderbat provisioning time

  • Field Name: name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the cluster model

  • Field Name: schema


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for this model

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the kubernetes cluster the node belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the node belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name

Machine UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat machine ID for the node

  • Field Name: muid


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the node model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the node as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the node as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the node as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the deployment

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the deployment belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the deployment belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the deployment model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the deployment as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the deployment as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the deployment as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the deployment as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the replicaset

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the replicaset belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the replicaset belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the replicaset model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the replicaset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the replicaset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the replicaset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the replicaset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid

Deployment uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat unique id for the deployment the replicaset is owned by (if replicaset is owned by a deployment)

  • Field Name: deployment_uid

Deployment name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name for the deployment the replicaset is owned by (if replicaset is owned by a deployment)

  • Field Name: deployment_name


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the daemonset

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the daemonset belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the daemonset belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the daemonset model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the daemonset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the daemonset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the daemonset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the daemonset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the job

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the job belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the job belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the job model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the job as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the job as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the job as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the job as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the cronjob

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the cronjob belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the cronjob belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the cronjob model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the cronjob as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the cronjob as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the cronjob as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the cronjob as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the statefulset

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the statefulset belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the statefulset belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the statefulset model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the statefulset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the statefulset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the statefulset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the statefulset as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the service

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the service belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the service belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the service model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the service as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the service as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the service as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the service as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the pod

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the pod belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the pod belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name

Node UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The spyderbat unique id for the node the pod is running on

  • Field Name: node_uid


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the pod model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the pod as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the pod as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the pod as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the pod as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid

Deployment UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The spyderbat unique id for the deployment the pod is associated with

  • Field Name: deployment_uid

Deployment name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the deployment the pod is associated with

  • Field Name: deployment_name

Owner Kind

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kind of the resource that owns the pod

  • Field Name: owner_kind

Owner Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the resource that owns the pod

  • Field Name: owner_name

Owner UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat unique uid of the resource that owns the pod

  • Field Name: owner_uid

Machine UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique machine ID associated with this pod

  • Field Name: muid



  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the role

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the role belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the role belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the role model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the role as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the role as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the role as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the role as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid

Cluster Role


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the role

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the role belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the role belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the role model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the role as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the role as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the role as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid

Service Account


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the service account

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the service account belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the service account belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the service account model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the service account as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the service account as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the service account as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the service account as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid

Role Binding


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the rolebinding

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the rolebinding belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the rolebinding belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the rolebinding model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the rolebinding as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes namespace for the rolebinding as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.namespace


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the rolebinding as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the rolebinding as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid

Cluster Role Binding


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the clusterrolebinding

  • Field Name: id

Cluster UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat id for the kubernetes cluster the clusterrolebinding belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_uid

Cluster Name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the kubernetes cluster the clusterrolebinding belongs to

  • Field Name: cluster_name


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat schema for the clusterrolebinding model

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes name for the clusterrolebinding as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name:


  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: The kubernetes labels for the clusterrolebinding as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.labels

Kubernetes uid

  • Type: String

  • Description: The kubernetes unique id for the clusterrolebinding as reported in the metadata

  • Field Name: metadata.uid

Listening Socket


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for the listening socket.

  • Field Name: id


  • Type: Number

  • Description: The duration of the model in seconds

  • Field Name: duration

Local IP

  • Type: IP Address

  • Description: The local IP address, or originating address of the connection

  • Field Name: local_ip

Local port

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The local port of the connection

  • Field Name: local_port

Machine UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique machine ID associated with this model or event

  • Field Name: muid

Process UIDs

  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat IDs for the associated processes to this socket

  • Field Name: puids


  • Type: String

  • Description: The full schema string of the listening socket

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Description: Status of this model: closed or active

  • Field Name: status


Link to Related Objects

Bytes Received

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The number of bytes received on the local side of the connection.

  • Field Name: bytes_rx

Bytes Sent

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The number of bytes sent on to the remote side of the connection.

  • Field Name: bytes_tx


  • Type: String

  • Description: The direction of the connection: "inbound", "outbound", or "unknown".

  • Field Name: direction


  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The destinations of the connection (max 100 array). "ipv4|ipv6:remote_ip:remote_port".

  • Field Name: dsts


  • Type: Number

  • Description: The duration of the connection model in seconds at time of last update.

  • Field Name: duration


  • Type: String

  • Description: Family: IPV4 or IPV6.

  • Field Name: family


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID for this connection.

  • Field Name: id

Local IP

  • Type: IP Address

  • Description: The local IP address, or originating address of the connection

  • Field Name: local_ip

Local port

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The local port of the connection

  • Field Name: local_port

Machine UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the machine associated with the connection.

  • Field Name: muid

Container UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the container associated with the connection.

  • Field Name: container_uid


  • Type: String

  • Description: A string representation of the payload of the connection. For example, the domain name of a DNS request response.

  • Field Name: payload

Peer connection UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the peer remote connection if seen by Spyderbat.

  • Field Name: peer_cuid

Peer machine UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the peer connection's machine if seen by Spyderbat.

  • Field Name: peer_muid

Peer process UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the peer connection's process if seen by Spyderbat.

  • Field Name: peer_puid

Process name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the process associated with the connection.

  • Field Name: proc_name

Process UIDs

  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The unique IDs of the process(es) associated with the connection.

  • Field Name: puids

Remote IP

  • Type: IP Address

  • Description: The IP address on the remote side of the connection.

  • Field Name: remote_ip

Remote port

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The port number on the remote side of the connection.

  • Field Name: remote_port

Remote hostname

  • Type: String

  • Description: The hostname on the remote side of the connection.

  • Field Name: remote_hostname


  • Type: String

  • Description: The full schema of the connection.

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The objects that are the source of the connection (max 100 array).

  • Field Name: srcs


  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The unique IDs of the spydertraces this connection is a part of.

  • Field Name: traces


  • Type: String

  • Description: Status of the connection: closed or active.

  • Field Name: status


Link to Related Objects

Cloud Image ID

  • Type: String

  • Description: If from a cloud provider, the image ID.

  • Field Name: cloud_image_id

Cloud Instance ID

  • Type: String

  • Description: If from a cloud provider, the instance ID of the virtual machine.

  • Field Name: cloud_instance_id

Cloud Region ID

  • Type: String

  • Description: If from a cloud provider, the region ID.

  • Field Name: cloud_region

Cloud Type

  • Type: String

  • Description: If from a cloud provider, the type of cloud provider.

  • Field Name: cloud_type

Cloud Tags

  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: If from a cloud provider, the tags associated with the machine.

  • Field Name: cloud_tags

CPU Model

  • Type: String

  • Description: The model of the CPU that is installed in the machine.

  • Field Name: cpu_model

Boot Time

  • Type: Number

  • Description: The time at which the machine was booted.

  • Field Name: boot_time


  • Type: Number

  • Description: The amount of time the machine has been running in seconds.

  • Field Name: duration


  • Type: String

  • Description: The hostname of the machine.

  • Field Name: hostname

Public IP Address

  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The public IP addresses associated with the machine.

  • Field Name: public_ip


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID for this machine.

  • Field Name: id

CPU Architecture

  • Type: String

  • Description: The architecture of the CPU that is installed in the machine.

  • Field Name: machine_processor

Kernel Modules

  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The list of kernel modules that are installed on the machine.

  • Field Name: kernel_mods

Private IP Address

  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The private IP addresses associated with the machine.

  • Field Name: private_ip

OS name

  • Type: String

  • Description: The name of the operating system installed on the machine.

  • Field Name: os_name

OS Release

  • Type: String

  • Description: The release of the operating system installed on the machine.

  • Field Name: os_release

OS Version

  • Type: String

  • Description: The version of the operating system installed on the machine.

  • Field Name: os_version

OS System

  • Type: String

  • Description: The system of the operating system installed on the machine. Generally "linux".

  • Field Name: os_system


  • Type: String

  • Description: The full schema of the machine.

  • Field Name: schema



  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for this model

  • Field Name: id

Root Process UID

  • Type: String

  • Field Name: root_puid

Machine UID

  • Type: String

  • Field Name: muid


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: status


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: cgroup


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: service_name


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: image


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: image_id


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: container_name


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: container_id


Link to Related Objects


  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: The arguments specified when the process is started

  • Field Name: args

Authenticated user

  • Type: String

  • Description: The authenticated user name

  • Field Name: auser


  • Type: Number

  • Description: The duration of the model in seconds

  • Field Name: duration


  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: A list of the names of the ancestor processes

  • Field Name: ancestors

Environment Variables

  • Type: Dictionary of Strings to Strings

  • Description: A map with the name and value of all environment variables set at the time of process creation

  • Field Name: environ

Effective user

  • Type: String

  • Description: The effective user who created the process

  • Field Name: euser


  • Type: String

  • Description: The pathname of the executable associated with the process

  • Field Name: exe


  • Type: String

  • Description: The container ID

  • Field Name: container

Container UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The spyderbat ID for the container model, if any

  • Field Name: container_uid


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Cgroup, if any, associated with the process

  • Field Name: cgroup


  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID for this model

  • Field Name: id


  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Indicates that this process is a thread

  • Field Name: thread


  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Specifies if the process is associated with a terminal, and indicates if there is a human user who likely created the process

  • Field Name: interactive

Machine UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the associated machine

  • Field Name: muid

Organization UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique ID of the Spyderbat organization that owns this data

  • Field Name: org_uid


  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The Unix process ID for this process

  • Field Name: pid

Parent PID

  • Type: Integer

  • Description: Unix process ID for the parent of this process

  • Field Name: ppid

Parent process UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique Spyderbat ID of the parent process object

  • Field Name: ppuid


  • Type: String

  • Description: The string model_process:...

  • Field Name: schema


  • Type: String

  • Field Name: src_uid


  • Type: String

  • Description: Status of this model: closed or active

  • Field Name: status

Session UID

  • Type: String

  • Description: The Spyderbat UID for the associated session

  • Field Name: suid


  • Type: List of Strings

  • Description: An array of Spyderbat UID for traces associated with this process

  • Field Name: traces

Last updated

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