Configuration Guide - Kubernetes

This guide provides a detailed explanation of the various configuration options available in the YAML configuration file for the Spyderbat AWS Agent. The configuration file allows you to control aspects of the agent's behavior, such as polling, AWS account details, and integration settings.

Configuration Parameters Overview

Below are key configuration parameters that can be set in the values.yaml file of the Helm chart for the Spyderbat AWS Agent:


1. awsSecretsManager

  • Description: Configures AWS Secrets Manager integration to store the Spyderbat registration key.

  • Fields:

    • enabled: Whether to use AWS Secrets Manager for storing the registration key.

    • secretArn: The ARN of the secret in AWS Secrets Manager containing the Spyderbat registration key.

  • Example:

      enabled: false
      secretArn: <arn of the secret in secrets manager>

2. credentials

  • Description: Configures AWS credentials and the Spyderbat registration key.

  • Fields:

    • aws_access_key_id: AWS access key ID (optional).

    • aws_secret_access_key: AWS secret access key (optional).

    • spyderbat_registration_key: The Spyderbat registration key.

  • Example:

      spyderbat_registration_key: <spyderbat registration key>

Spyderbat Configuration Parameters

1. spyderbat_orc_url

  • Description: URL for the Spyderbat orchestration endpoint, used by the agent to communicate with Spyderbat's backend.

  • Example:


2. cluster_name

  • Description: Specifies the cluster name where the AWS Agent is running. This helps in identifying the data source in the Spyderbat UI.

  • Example:

    cluster_name: my-cluster

3. awsAgentsConfigs

  • Description: Configures the AWS accounts and services that the agent will monitor.

  • Fields:

    • aws_account_id: AWS account ID to monitor. Set to auto to auto-discover the account ID.

  • Example:

      - aws_account_id: auto

The helm chart can install one or more aws agents (one per account to be monitored). The default installation installs a single agent. You can configure multiple agents by providing multiple sections under the awsAgentsConfigs section.

For each of the section, the configuration options are the same as described in the configuration guide for the single-vm install, which you can consult here.

Managing Configuration

  • Updating Configuration: To update the configuration, modify the values.yaml file and upgrade the release using:

    helm upgrade aws-agent spyderbat/aws-agent -f values.yaml
  • Validation: Ensure to validate the syntax of the values.yaml before applying changes to avoid runtime issues.

Last updated

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