Notification Configurations

Published: December 7, 2023

What are Notification Configurations?

Notification Configurations are settings that direct the Spyderbat Notification System on when and where to send notifications. They link to 1 or more Notification Targets.

Using Notification Configurations

The following is a Notification Configuration used to notify the Operations Team when a Spyderbat Nano Agent goes offline.

apiVersion: spyderbat/v1
kind: NotificationConfiguration
  createTime: 1701290311.8995287
  lastUpdated: 1701290311.8995287
  name: Spyderbat Agent Offline
  type: object
      Cluster: '{{ __cluster__ }}'
      Hostname: '{{ hostname }}'
      Source UID: '{{ muid }}'
      Time: '{{ __hr_time__ }}'
    linkback_text: View in Spyderbat
    linkback_url: '{{ __linkback__ }}'
    slack_icon: ':red_circle:'
  condition: ''
  enabled: true
  message: '{{ __origin__ }}'
  schemaType: event_opsflag
  subSchema: agent_offline
  target: OperationsTeam
  template: Any Agent Offline
  title: Spyderbat Agent Detected Offline

Note: A Notification Target must be created before any Notification Configs may be created. In this case the Notification Target's name is OperationsTeam.

When a Spyderbat Nano Agent Goes offline it would produce a notification that looks like:

Quick Start Tutorial

To quickly get started using using Spyderbat Notifications follow our tutorial using spyctl.

How to setup Spyderbat Notifications (Spyctl CLI)

Manage Notification Configurations Using Spyctl

Reference: Manage Notification Configurations Using Spyctl

Notification Configuration Templates

Notification Configuration Templates are pre-built templates that make creating a Notification Config simple.

The following is an example of a notification template.

apiVersion: spyderbat/v1
kind: NotificationConfigTemplate
  name: Agent Offline
  uid: nc_tmpl:000000001
  type: agent_health
  description: Send a notification when Spyderbat detects it is no longer receiving
    data from an Agent (Nano Agent or Clustermonitor, ephemeral or not).
    schema_type: event_opsflag
    sub_schema: agent_offline
    condition: ''
    title: Spyderbat Agent Detected Offline
    message: '{{ __origin__ }}'
        Hostname: '{{ hostname }}'
        Time: '{{ __hr_time__ }}'
        Source UID: '{{ muid }}'
        Cluster: '{{ __cluster__ }}'
      linkback_text: View in Spyderbat
      linkback_url: '{{ __linkback__ }}'
      slack_icon: ':red_circle:'

Note: Currently, Notification Config Templates are curated by Spyderbat

Last updated

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